Monday, November 16, 2009

Does this make me a narcisist?

I was just wondering if this made me a narcisist as I really hate narcisists and looking at a little of my behavior it kinda shares some traits which kinda disturbs me. Here are some personality traits of mine

I do kung fu and I try really hard not really to impress people but to do my form like I mean it and to be honest partially to gain the respect of peers but mainly to train.

I can easily detach myself from my emotions

while I can empethize with others I usually dont need to because I really dont encounter the situations required.

I take pride in my martial arts abilities.

It would bother me if I became just a mediocre student in my class instead of being one of the good ones but I think thats just my competative spirit.

I do believe in chi ( spiritual energy , which apparently makes me a schizoid even though its a commonly accepted belief among practitioners because we can feel it. but Im not gonna get into that.

Does this make me a narcisist?
I think you've been reading to many psychological disorders! No you are not a narcissist. They only think about self and are always saying I, I, I, I, . It's all about them. We all have to have some pride in ourselves and the achievements we've made. You don't need any site to look on. There's nothing wrong with you!
Reply:I think the fact that you are worried about being narcissistic precludes you from being described that way. it's okay to take pride in what you do and want to show off your talents and abilities. and even if you do sometimes have narcisistic tendencies, it's not like its incurable...just stay aware and always work forward, never back, to correct behavior you dislike in yourself. I don't know of any sites that test for narcissism, but there might be something in the DSM (for mental disorders) and you can usually find that in a public library. There's no shame in wanting to be the best at what you do. I think that's actually preferrable to not caring.
Reply:you're not a narcissist, you just really take pride in what you do, and detaching from your emotions easily is just a sign of no emotional depth, its not a bad thing, actually its more of a good thing because you now know you don't have a high chance of being clinically insane. so don't worry, you're so worried about not becoming what you hate, that you'll end up driving yourself to believe you could become narcissistic.
Reply:No, not a narcissist, just a poor speller. Nothing wrong with an ego, as long as it stops short of arrogance. For a lesson in humility, spar with an experienced BJJ martial artist. It will take you down a peg or two, good for the soul.
Reply:Very doubtful.

Check this out...
Reply:everyone's narcistict to a certain degree. and believe me, i'm like you when i want to be the top of the class. being mediocre would be crapp bc you dont really stand out and you're not that speciall
Reply:Look the word up in Wikipedia. I just did and it is very interesting.

If you do it will help you define yourself, you seem to have looked at yourself and know who you are.

There are variations to the meaning.

I learned some about myself.

Thanks for the question.
Reply:im fairly sure your not a narcisist

flowers anniversary

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